Thursday, December 3, 2009

Last day of classes!

Today is the last day for regular is  bitter sweet. I have enjoyed my classes this semester and I am looking forward to next semester. I am also ready for the break and Christmas Holiday. Finals are next week with one on the 8th and 2 on the 10th. I feel fairly confident I am ready and I will feel very confident I WILL be ready by then. I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone. 

Sunday, November 29, 2009

"The Kite Runner"

1. Topics in The Kite Runner

Role of Women - Women are submissive to all males whether it be husband, father, or friend of theirs. Women wear veils and serve their husbands. Their is also a double standard for men and women. Men have indescretions and nothing is said but a women has an indescretion and she lives the gossip and looks forever.

Betrayal - The first betrayal is not evident until the end of the book when it is told Baba is Hassans father....Baba has betrayed Ali by sleeping with his wife and producing a son, Hassan. Amir betrayes Hassan first by not stopping the rape or telling anyone about the rape but he also betrayes himself with the same incident and lives with the guilt for many years. Hassan is also betrayed by Amir when Amir hides his watch and money under Hassan's mattress and acusses Hassan of stealing.

Brothers - Brothers are mentioned throughout this novel as Baba considering Ali a brother, Amir and Hassan being considered brothers since they fed from the same breast and Wahid and Farid who are brothers that help Amir on his trip back to Afghanastan to retreive Sohrab. Along with the mention of brothers there is an underlying respect for brotherhood as much as the importance of being actual brothers by blood.

Guilt - hidden guilt - hidden guilt is with several characters, Baba for never telling Amir and Hassan they were half brothers and Amir for not helpng Hassan during the rape and not telling anyone he new about it. Open guilt - This came from Ali and Hassan after Amir set up things to look like Hassan had stolen the watch and money he got for his birthday and Ali and Hassan decided to leave. Open guilt was also evident for Amir at the end as he told Sohrab and Sorya, his wife, about the rape. Open guilt was evident with Amir when he had to tell Sohrab he would have to go back to an orphanage and Sohrab tried to commit suicide.

Redemption - Redemption came 1st when Khan told Amir that Hassan was his half brother, this was redemption for Baba and Ali and Khan that the secret was out. Secondly it came when Amir decided to go save Hassan's son, Sohrab from Kabul after the soviet war and during the taliban rule. He was redeming himself from the guilt he carried with him for betraying Hassan with the keeping of the secret about the rape and for the lies he told when Ali and Hassan left.

Exodus/Journey - There was two exits/journeys that stand out the first being when Baba and Amir leave Kabul for Peshawar for safty when the Soviets come into Kabul and when Amir has gone back to Kabul at the request of Khan and he goes to save Sohrab, Hassan's son, from were he thought was an orphanage but actually the taliban had him and he and Sohrab left Kabul again for safty.

Father and sons - patriarchal society - Fathers and sons society is of pride and honor. Sons want to follow in their fathers footsteps and be like their fathers looking for acceptance and pride of the son from the father.

Class distinction - The Pashtun is the higher classed race of Afghanastan and are respected and looked up to, the Hazara are the lower class, servant, race and are ridiculed and shuned.

2. Style

Parallelism - I find one parallelism to be Hassans harlip, having surgery and having the small scar on his lip to Amir being beaten by Assef, taliban, and ending up having the same scar on his lip. Another parallelism is found with Hassan and Sohrab - Hassan and Sohrab are both honest, good with a sling shot, protective of and Save Amir and they are both abused by the same person, Assef.

Character foils - Amir and Hassan are the main character foil in this novel. Amir is honest, brave, loyal and protective of Amir. Amir is not brave and does not protect Hassan, he lies and sets Hassan up, for his own guilty feelings, as a theif but Hassan still protects Amir by lying and saying he did steal. Baba and Khan are also character foils, Baba is not affectionate toward Amir and is often ashamed of him and thinks he will turn out as nothing when Khan is affectionate and carring and encourages Amir with his writting. Amir and his wife Soraya are also character foils in that Soraya helped people to learn to read and write when Amir made fun of Hassan for not knowing what some hard words meant and by changing the story in books while he was reading to Hassan.

Foreshadowing - Foreshadowing is used several times throughout this novel beginning with the first chapter and knowing Amir will have guilt of some kind when he talks about how his life changed forever because of his actions in 1975. Also when Khan called Amir to return to Kabul 20 years later and says "Come, there is a way to be good again."

Flashback - During the first part of the novel it is a complete flashback as Amir is a man now living in America telling the story from his childhood. During the second part of the novel there are many times he is a man back in Kabul and he has flashbacks of his childhood with Hassan and Baba.

Positives and Negative aspects of the writing - Although there are many negative and sad events during this novel the author had to use these negatives to give the readers a true feeling and picture of how things were for this I believe the positive undertones he used showed that in life negative and positive is unavoidable.

3. Settings - time and place and culture -

Hazara vs Pashtun
Peshawar vs Kabul
Kabul before war and Kabul after or during war
America vs Afghanastan
Kite running before the war and kite running after the war

4. Five minor characters and their roles -

General Taheri and his wife - Amir's wife's parents.
Sanaubar - Hassans mother.
Farid - Cab driver when Amir returns to Kabul for Sohrab.
Wahid - Farid's brother were Amir stays the night when he returned to Kabul.
Farzana - Hassan's wife.

5. Five symbols and significance of each -

Kites - sign of inocence and freedom in the beginning and the end of the novel but also the kite fighting was significant to show fighting and war. The kite running was also significant in that the last kite cut would send many young boys chasing the kite...all of the kites were chased/run but the last one cut was most important it was a sign of pride and boasting rights.

Pomagranate tree - was significant to Amir and Hassan. This is were the two young boys would go and be together, Amir would read to Hassan and Amir carved the tree "Amir and Hassan, the sultans of Kabul." They would eat from the pomagranates that the tree beared. Many years later the tree did not bear fruit any longer.

Slingshot - significant for bravery and freedom. The slingshot saved Amir and Hassan several times and then in the end it saved Amir and Sohrab from Assef and the taliban.

Crumpled money under a mattress - Significant in that when first used it was a show of betrayal to Hassan and the second time it was to show care and help to someone while Amir was trying to save Hassan's son.

Brass knuckles - significant in showing fear. Whenever the brass knuckles were exposed fear always came. A show of bullying significant to show Assef as what he was. When he was confronted with someone standing up to him the brass knuckles was proven to be a tool to scare his oponent first which he thought would help him defeat the oponent.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Semester coming to an end......

Yes, I cannot believe it finals are right around the corner and the semester is coming to an end. It has been a great 3 or 4 months. Going to be studying hard for finals and I am very excited about getting on with next semester. 

Monday, October 19, 2009

comparison essay

Blind vs Vision

Surroundings, environment, physical ability and mental ability are some of the reasons people have to adapt. This is the same for people who are blind.
Caleb and Crandall are the same in several ways. They are both male, living in the same home with the same mom and dad (which makes them brothers). They both have brown hair and blue eyes and they were both born in April. They both enjoy some of the same hobbies and activities. However, when it comes to how their hobbies and activities are performed they are very different. Crandall is an average, 13 year old with vision and he does things as most people with vision do them. Caleb is blind and has been since birth. He has overcome his disability but performs tasks differently.

Crandall and Caleb enjoy sports, the way sports are done and the kind of sports is different. Crandall plays baseball on several leagues and takes pitching lessons. Caleb does not enjoy this kind of sport and does not even like going to the games. He does, however, enjoy running the 100-yard and 200-yard dash in track with a sighted guide.

Riding four-wheelers is an activity both Crandall and Caleb enjoy. Crandall gets on and goes through the woods with no problems, he takes his time and watches for trees and bumps. Caleb has to wait on someone to ride him; he cannot just jump on and go. He likes for the person riding him to go fast, the faster the better. A car will be the same way when Crandall is old enough to drive, Caleb will not ever be able to drive a car.

Hunting is an activity they both enjoy. Crandall has shot several deer over the past few years. He also goes to see other animals in their natural habitat. When darkness comes Crandall is very ready for his dad or someone to come get him from the deer stand and walk him out of the woods. Caleb enjoys going hunting but his experience is much different. He can hear the animals before Crandall sees them. He hears the leaves rustle with the wind and the rabbits or squirrels scurry around. He has never shot a deer and when darkness falls he could care less, he could probably stay all night and not be bothered.

We all have fear of some kind and to some degree. For Crandall fear is the same as it is for most people with vision. Like most people Crandall able to see what is coming toward him or what is right in front of him about to happen, has more fear about trying new things. Fear for Crandall sets in before he ever reached the top of the bungee platform because of the height. Caleb not able to see the height, just as not knowing when darkness has fallen while in the woods, has no fear and enjoys these types of activities.
Fear of a bonfire or fireplace is just the opposite from the darkness and heights. Crandall being like most boys is curious about the fire. He likes to build the bonfires, poke sticks in the fire and roast marshmallows. Caleb cannot see the fire but he can feel the heat and hear the wood crackle. This makes him aware of what he cannot see and he stays back not approaching the fire fearing he will get too close and be burned.

Crandall uses his sight as his main sense with all other senses being secondary. Caleb’s lack of sight enhances all of his other senses. While showing the differences in a blind person vs a person with vision, senses have played the primary roll in why a lot of the differences are present. Other then just the normal differences found in most brothers, the obvious difference of one with vision and one who is blind are many. The use of their senses and the way they are used is the main difference between Caleb (blind) and Crandall (vision), who at first and on the surface seem so much alike.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

thoughts on the process of example essay

During the writing of my example essay, I found it very difficult to organize my thoughts. Even though I had my thoughts and examples wrote out putting them into essay form was difficult. So organization was the toughest aspect for me during this paper. 

During the peer review, I received a couple of comments. The comments at first felt like an attack on my personal information or feelings. It took me a day or so to realize the peer review comments were to help me and I would not have wanted them to make it roses and sunshine to save my feelings. I appreciate the honest critics I received. I also realized it was not a personal attack on their part even though I took it personal...The comments are greatly appreciated and I completely revised my essay and feel it is much better now. Thank you again to those who commented and for your honesty. 

I have had some frustration with the reading of other blogs that was assigned to me. I enjoy reading others essay, this too helps ME. I have not been able to get on a couple of the bogs that were assigned.

Thanks, Mimo

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Revised example essay

I would just like to say thank you to those who read my blog and gave me critical but very helpful advise and comments on my example essay...I am reposting the revised essay and I hope the two people who read it and helped me will reread it. Thanks!!!!!!!!!

Sibling Rivalry-------example essay REVISED!!!!

Sibling rivalry is found in any home with more than one child and can start as
soon as the second child is born due to jealousy of the amount of time and attention
parents give the new arrival. The sibling rivalry can also be delayed which is what
happened with our family. The delay in sibling rivalry was most likely due to the gender
order of birth with a daughter first, Gabriele followed by two boys, Travis and Mitchell.

Gabriele being three years older settled into the “big sister” role fairly easily after
Travis was born. She frequently wanted to give him a bottle, change his clothes and rock
him. The household was peaceful and free from the sibling rivalry until Travis was 1 ½
years old which is when Mitchell was born and the sibling rivalry began, at least between
brothers, with Travis bidding for attention. Travis was off the bottle, however when his
younger brother was born he felt it necessary to take his bottle for himself, telling us he
was just trying to help feed the baby or he was just bringing it to me. The infant cradle
was entirely to small for Travis but this is where he wanted to sleep since his baby
brother got to sleep there.

At this time Gabriele was still playing the “big sister” role with Mitchell but it
seemed Travis was caught in the middle with the sibling rivalry on both sides of him,
coming from his older sister and him passing it down to his new baby brother. Gabriele,
Travis and Mitchell could have been and still could be the poster children for sibling
rivalry and they are no different from any other siblings. The sibling rivalry was part of
daily life.

In the early preschool and elementary years the rivalry was as simple as who was
going to be “the banker” in a game of Monopoly or which chair each of them sat in
to watch TV. Gabriele being the oldest thought she should be“the banker” and of
course, Travis being the oldest boy thought it should be his job to be “the banker”. Not
taking sides, not jumping to conclusion, to be fair and because I enjoyed it, I usually
ended up sitting on the floor with them doing the banker’s job myself. Taking turns was
an option but that lead to more rivalry because they were rarely happy with how the other
one was counting the money. When the rivalry started about which chair each of them sat
in while watching TV they of course all wanted the same chair. To be fair they ended up
sitting on the floor.

With an age difference of only 14 months it seemed the rivalry never ended
between Travis and Mitchell. Starting with the bottle and cradle incidents and moving on
to toy trucks, cars or building blocks. They took a truck from the other ones pile or
knocked over the other ones fort they had built out of the blocks. Gabriele and Mitchell
had very few rivalry moments because she still thought of him as “the baby” or “her
baby” and he usually got his way, until it was time to take a trip in the car. The rivalry
began as we walked out the door when all of them shouted, “I have shotgun” which
meant they wanted to sit in the front seat.

As they all got older the sibling rivalry was still present but on a new level. When
Gabriele started to drive and had a curfew, her favorite statement was “I bet Travis and
Mitchell won’t have to be home this early” or “Travis and Mitchell are going to get to go
where ever they want”. Now that Travis is driving, his favorite thing to bring up is that
Gabriele did not have to call and check in when she started driving or she had a better car
then he does. Travis and Mitchell now rival about who is going to take out the trash,
who is going to cut the grass or who has the coolest friends. Gabriele still considers
Mitchell as “the baby” and he still gets his way with her most of the time.

Sibling rivalry is not a “new” concept it has been around since the beginning of
time, Cain and Abel to be exact. Sibling rivalry can even be found in fairy tales,
Cinderella and the step-sisters for example. Sibling rivalry has not changed much and still
exists all you need is a two or more children home. With more than two siblings all of
them may not have a rivalry. It may be that they rival with one sibling but not all of them.

As the mother of three children I have often made the statement, “I wish I could
find a cure for sibling rivalry and bottle it, I could make a fortune”. But sibling rivalry is
a competition. Competition has been labeled as a “good thing”, but in reality competition
is necessary and a part of life, just as sibling rivalry is necessary and a part of life. There
are various reasons why sibling rivalry exists, to get attention, to find their role in the
home, fear and jealousy are a few reasons. As long as families have more than one
child sibling rivalry will continue. The age and/or gender of the siblings does not really
make the rivalry better or worse, two or more brothers, two or more sisters or a brother
and a sister, it is all the same. However, the gender order could postpone the sibling
rivalry for a year or two.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

example essay

Sibling Rivalry

Gabriele, Travis and Mitchell could be the poster children for sibling rivalry.

During the time right after Gabriele’s brothers were born, she adored them and being

three years older she settled into the “big sister” role fairly easily. She always wanted to

give them a bottle, change their clothes and rock them. Everything was great until Travis

was about three years old and Mitchell was about two years old. This is when the sibling

rivalry “tug of war” began.

Gabriele, Travis and Mitchell are not different from any other siblings, the rivalry

is part of daily life. In the early preschool and elementary years the rivalry was as simple

as who was going to be “the banker” in a game of Monopoly or which chair each of them

would sit in to watch TV. Gabriele being the oldest always thought she should get to be

“the banker” and of course, Travis being the oldest boy thought it should be his job to be

“the banker”. Taking turns was an option but that lead to more rivalry because they were

never happy with how the other one was doing it. I usually ended up sitting on the floor

with them doing the banker’s job. When the rivalry would start about which chair each of

them sat in while watching TV, it was the same as the Monopoly game except they were

the ones who ended up sitting on the floor.

Travis and Mitchell being only 14 months apart always had the rivalry going on,

Mock 2

usually over toy trucks, cars and/or blocks. Each of them taking a truck from the other

ones pile or knocking over the other ones fort they had built out of the blocks. Gabriele

and Mitchell had very few rivalry moments because she still thought of him as “the baby”

or “her baby” and he usually got his way, until it was time to take a trip in the car. The

rivalry would begin as we walked out the door with all of them shouting, “I have

shotgun” which meant they wanted to sit in the front seat.

As they all got older the sibling rivalry was still present but on a new level. When

Gabriele started driving and had a curfew, her favorite statement was “I bet Travis and

Mitchell won’t have to be home this early” or “Travis and Mitchell are going to get to go

where ever they want”. Now that Travis is driving, his favorite thing to bring up is that

Gabriele did not have to call and check in when she started driving or she had a better car

than he does. Travis and Mitchell now rival about who is going to take out the trash,

who is going to cut the grass or who has the coolest friends. Gabriele still considers

Mitchell as “the baby” and he still gets his way with her most of the time.

Rivalry between siblings is not a “new” concept it has been around since the

beginning of time, Cain and Abel to be exact. Unlike everything else, it has not changed

much, sibling rivalry still exists all you need are the siblings. The age and/or gender of

the siblings does not really make the rivalry better or worse, two or more brothers, two or

more sisters or a brother and a sister, it is all the same. With more then two siblings all of

them may not have a rivalry. It may be that they rival with one sibling but not all of them.

As a parent of siblings I have often made the statement, “I wish I could find a cure

for sibling rivalry and bottle it, I could make a fortune”. But I also like to think of sibling

Mock 3

rivalry as competition. Competition has been labeled as a “good thing”, but in reality

competition is a necessity, just as sibling rivalry is a necessity. To get attention, to find

their place in the home, to build individual personalities and because it is plain human

nature are various reasons why we have sibling rivalry.